Sunday 14 January 2018

Daily Vocab List 15-JANUARY-2018

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1. Archaic [ahr-key-ik]-प्राचीन/पुरातन
Adjective: marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated.
Synonyms: ancient, antiquated, obsolete, old-fashioned, outmoded, primitive, antique, bygone, olden, out of date, passé, superannuated.
Antonyms: contemporary, current, in vogue, modern.

2. Intuitive [in-too-i-tiv, -tyoo-]-सहज ज्ञान युक्त
Adjective: perceiving directly by intuition without rational thought, as a person or the mind; perceived by, resulting from, or involving intuition; having or possessing intuition.
Synonyms: emotional, innate, perceptive, spontaneous, visceral, automatic, direct, habitual, immediate, inherent, instinctual, involuntary, natural, understood, unreflecting, untaught.
Antonyms: calculated, meditated, reasoned, taught.

3. Strike down [for a court]-एक सत्तारूढ़ या कानून को अमान्य करने के लिए
Phrasal verb: to invalidate a ruling or law.

4. Legitimate [adjective, noun li-jit-uh-mit; verb li-jit-uh-meyt]-वैध
Adjective: according to law; lawful; in accordance with established rules, principles, or standards; born in wedlock or of legally married parents; in accordance with the laws of reasoning; logically inferable; logical.
Synonyms: appropriate, certain, consistent, correct, fair, genuine, justifiable, lawful, logical, natural, normal, proper, real, reasonable, reliable, rightful, sensible, statutory, true, well-founded, accepted, accredited, acknowledged, authorized, received, recognized, sanctioned, sound, warranted, admissible, canonical, cogent, customary, innocent, just, licit.
Antonyms: abnormal, affected, counter, feit, deceptive.

5. Punitive [pyoo-ni-tiv]-दंडात्मक
Adjective: serving for, concerned with, or inflicting punishment.
Synonyms: disciplinary, penal, punishing, retaliatory, vindictive, punitory, castigating, correctional, in reprisal, in retaliation, retaliative, revengeful.
Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding.

6. Intrinsic in-trin-sik, -zik]
Adjective: belonging to a thing by its very nature.
Synonyms: deep-seated, elemental, inherent, innate, peculiar, underlying, built-in, central, congenital, connate, constitutional, constitutive, essential, fundamental, genuine, hereditary, inbred, indwelling, inmost, intimate.
Antonyms: acquired, extrinsic, learned, accidental.

7. Paternalism [puh-tur-nl-iz-uh m]- एक व्यवस्था, सिद्धांत जो व्यक्तियों, व्यवसायों, राष्ट्रों आदि को प्रबंधित करने या उनका संचालन करने का अभ्यास है
Noun: the system, principle, or practice of managing or governing individuals, businesses, nations, etc., in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children.
Synonyms: condescending, patronizing, dismissive, oppressive.

8. Pertinent [pur-tn-uh nt]-उचित
Adjective: pertaining or relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand; relevant.
Synonyms: admissible, applicable, appropriate, germane, opportune, related, ad rem, apposite, apropos, apt, connected, fit, fitting, kosher, legit, material.
Antonyms: improper, inapplicable, inappropriate, irrelevant.

9. Ambivalent [am-biv-uh-luh nt]-द्वैधवृत्तिक/उभयभावी
Adjective: having mixed feelings about someone or something; being unable to choose between two (usually opposing) courses of action.
Synonyms: contradictory, doubtful, equivocal, hesitant, mixed, uncertain, undecided, unsure, clashing, debatable, fluctuating, inconclusive, irresolute, opposed, unresolved, vacillating, warring, wavering.
Antonyms: certain, clear, decided, definite.

10. Scrutiny [skroot-n-ee]-संवीक्षा/छानबीन
Noun: a searching examination or investigation; minute inquiry; surveillance; close and continuous watching or guarding; a close and searching look.

Synonyms: analysis, audit, inquiry, inspection, investigation, review, search, surveillance, exploration, perusal, scan, sifting, study, survey, tab, view, close-up, eagle eye, long hard look, perlustration, the eye.

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