Saturday 22 April 2017

Competitive exam 10 Vocab Daily

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1.Slake (v): Quench or satisfy
Synonyms : Satiate, Relieve, Assuage
Use : The trekkers slaked their thirst in a stream near by.

2.Inveigle (v): Persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.
Synonyms: Cajole, Wheedle, Coax
Use : My brother is going to inveigle our mother for paying  his spring trip to the Goa.

3.Loathe (v) : Feel intense dislike or disgust for.
Synonyms: Hate, Detest, Abhor, Despise
Use : She loathe her husband for cheating her.

4. Primordial (adj): Existing at or from the beginning of time, primeval.
Synonyms: Ancient,  Prehistoric, Antediluvian
Use : The primordial writing can be traced back to the cavemen.

5.Squabble (v) : Quarrel noisily over a trivial matter.
Synonyms: Quarrel, Row, Argue, Bicker
Use : Kids will squabble over the most ridiculous things.

6.Piquancy (n): A pleasantly sharp and appetizing flavour, spiciness.
Synonyms: Edge,  Tang, Spice,
Use : He imagined that that sort of thing lent a piquancy to conversation.

7.Countermand  (n) : An order revoking a previous one.
Synonyms: Quash, Scrap, Override
Use : The government’s decision to countermand prohibition made alcohol drinkers very happy.

8.Noxious (adj) : Harmful or very unpleasant.
Synonyms: Poisonous, Toxic, Deadly, Virulent
Use : You can avoid getting sick so often by frequently washing your hands to eliminate noxious bacteria and viruses.

9.Subtle (adj) : Hard to notice or see
Synonyms: precision,minute,tenuous
Use : By looking closely, I could see the subtle difference between the twins.

10.Nonentity (n) : A person or thing with no special or interesting qualities
Synonyms : cipher , Nothing
Use : The celebrity cut in front of me like I was a nonentity.

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Team Competition Tayari.

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