Sunday, 30 April 2017

The Indian Express E-Paper01-May-2017

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We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is THE INDIAN EXPRESS 01 May 2017

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Team Competition Tayari.

Daily Vocab List 01-05-2017

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1.Gallows (n) : Execution by hanging.
Synonyms : Gibbet, Scaffold
Use : In the Argentina, the gallows has been replaced by the gurney for executions.

2.Deplore (v) : Feel or express strong condemnation 
Synonyms : Abhor , Moan
Use : Teachers deplore student behaviors that distract from lectures.

3.Cult (n) : A system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
Synonyms : Belief, Persuasion, Affiliation,
Use : The god's cult statue is housed in the main room of the temple.

4. Ablaze (adj): Very brightly colored or lighted.
Synonyms: Alight, Aflame , Raging, Fiery
Use : The morning sun set the sky ablaze. 

5. Visage (n): A person's facial expression.
Synonyms: Expression , Look , Features
Use :  The model’s visage earned her many cover photos.

6.Debonair (adj): Confident, stylish, and charming.
Synonyms: Suave, Urbane, Sophisticated, Cultured
Use :  Onscreen and in person, the  actors always manages to look so debonair.

7. Pretentious (adj) : Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.
Synonyms: Affected, Ostentatious, Chichi
Use : Rohit prefers the simple things in life and is not pretentious by any means.

8. Rendezvous (n) : A meeting at an agreed time and place.
Synonyms: Meeting, Appointment, Engagement
Use : He checked the time and calculated how long it would take to reach the rendezvous point.

9. Pliant (adj) : Easily influenced or directed 
Synonyms: Compliant, Biddable, Docile, Tractable
Use : When the slaves were not pliant, their owners would punish them.

10.Rife (adj) : In a great quantity
Synonyms: Widespread, General, Common
Use : Countries with limited clean water resources are rife with cases of stomach viruses.

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Team Competition Tayari.

Friday, 28 April 2017

The HINDU E-Paper 29-04-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is " THE HINDU NEWSPAPER "  29 April 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Daily Vocab List 29-04-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1.Acquiesce (v) : To agree or express agreement
Synonyms : Accept , Comply , Reconcile
Use : The administration decided to acquiesce and let the students have a quiz.

2.Behest (n): A request of great importance.
Synonyms: Instruction, Bidding, Request, Requirement
Use : The singer decided to perform two more songs at the behest of his audience. 

3.Detritus (n) : Waste or debris of any kind.
Synonyms: Debris, Waste , Rubble, Wreckage
Use : Before leaving the cafeteria, students drop their detritus in the garbage.

4.Effusive (adj): Showing or expressing gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner.
Synonyms: Gushing, Unrestrained, Extravagant, Fulsome
Use : The president was effusive in his grief for the fallen soldiers.

5.Vaunt (v) : Boast about or praise 
Synonyms:  Flaunt, Flourish
Use :The humble war hero refused to vaunt his fame.

6.Benign (adj): Gentle and kind or having no significant effect, harmless
Synonyms : Unselfish, Benevolent, Gracious, Liberal
Use :The medicine is benign in its effects and will cause you no harm.

7.Countermand  (v) : Revoke or cancel 
Synonyms: Revoke, Rescind, Undo, Withdraw
Use :The appeals court chose to countermand the lower’s court guilty verdict.

8.Tumultuous (adj): Loud, Excited, and emotional
Synonyms: Tempestuous, Stormy, Turbulent
Use :The politician’s speech was followed by tumultuous booing from the upset voters.

9.Confederate (adj) : Joined by an agreement or treaty.
Synonyms: Federal,  Allied, Associated, United
Use : Some local news channels united to form confederate councils.

10.Acrid (adj): Bitter and unpleasant in taste or smell.
Synonyms: Pungent, Bitter, Sharp, Sour, Tart,
Use : The acrid smell of a decaying corpse is enough to make anyone vomit.

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Team Competition Tayari.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

The HINDU E-Paper 28-04-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is " THE HINDU NEWSPAPER "  28 April 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Daily Vocab List 28-04-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. Amalgam (n) : A mixture or blend.
Synonyms : Combination, Union, Merger, Blend, Mixture
Use : The dentist uses a mixture of amalgams to clean the teeth.

2. Unkempt (adj) :  Having an untidy or dishevelled appearance
Synonyms : Untidy, Messy, Scruffy
Use : The unkempt garden was filled with weeds.

3.Vanquish (v) : Defeat thoroughly.
Synonyms : Conquer , Trounce, Annihilate
Use : Without additional troops, our army will not be able to vanquish the enemy forces.

4.Vile (adj) : Extremely unpleasant.
Synonyms : Foul, Nasty, Unpleasant
Use : Slavery was a vile practice used to obtain free labor.

5.Toil (v) : Work extremely hard or incessantly.
Synonyms : Hard work , Struggle, Effort
Use : Indians toiled hard for the independence.

6.Unobtrusive  (adj) :  Not conspicuous or attracting attention.
Synonyms : Self-effacing, Retiring, Unassuming, Modest
Use : The principal tried to be unobtrusive as he quietly entered the classroom to observe the class.

7.Vaguely (adv) : In a way that is uncertain, indefinite or unclear.
Synonyms : Roughly,  Approximately, Virtually
Use :Your face is vaguely familiar, but I can't remember where we met.

8.Skulk (v) : Cowardly motive.
Synonyms : Lurk, Loiter, Hide
Use :The shoplifter tried to skulk through the store while carrying a bunch of expensive jeans.

9.Rue (v) : Bitterly regret
Synonyms : Regret , Apologize
Use : My husband will rue the day he ever cheated on me.

10.Portent (n) : A sign or warning that a momentous or calamitous event is likely to happen.
Synonyms : Omen, Sign, Indication, Presage,
Use : The thunder was a portent of an approaching storm.

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.

Team Competition Tayari.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Daily Vocab List 26-04-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. Dawn (noun): the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise.
synonyms: sunrise, first light, daylight
use: We got up at dawn to avoid a traffic jam.

2. Fugitive (adjective): quick to disappear, fleeting.
synonyms: fleeting, transient, ephemeral
use: She has been charged with helping a fugitive from justice.

3. Sack (noun): a large bag made of a strong material such as hessian, thick paper, or plastic, used for storing and carrying goods.
synonyms: bag, pack, pouch, pocket
use: Santa's sack was full of toys for all the little boys and girls.

4. Circumvent (verb): find a way around  
synonyms: avoid, bypass, sidestep
use: The army will circumvent part of the enemy’s defenses by coming in from the south.

5. Sabotage (verb): deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct
synonyms: cripple, impair, incapacitate
use: A poor foundation will effectively sabotage even the best-built house.

6. Aghast (adjective): filled with horror or shock.
synonyms: speechless, awestruck, thunderstruck
use: As the car moved rapidly towards me, I was aghast and could not move to safety.

7. Facsimile (noun): an exact copy, especially of written or printed material
synonyms: copy, reproduction, duplicate
use: A good facsimile will fool even the most intense scrutiny.

8. Emollient (adjective): attempting to avoid confrontation or anger, something which softens or lubricates the skin
synonyms: conciliatory, soothing, palliative,
use: Coconut oil was a suggested emollient for stretch marks.

9. Enthral (verb): capture the fascinated attention of.
synonyms: captivate, enchant, bewitch, fascinate,
use: I was completely enthralled by the Indian cricket team performance.

10. Crux (noun): the decisive or most important point at issue.
synonyms: nub, heart, essence 
use: My alcoholic father is quick to say the crux of his problem.

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.

Team Competition Tayari.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

The Indian Express E-Paper 24-April-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is THE INDIAN EXPRESS 24 April 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Competitive exam 10 Vocab Daily

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1.Ulterior (adj) : Existing beyond what is obvious or admitted
Synonyms: Secondary, Underlying, Undisclosed
Use : The eyes looked at her calmly, openly, with no ulterior thought behind,as it might seem.

2. Exhort (v) :  Strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
Synonyms: Urge, Encourage, Enjoin
Use :The purpose of most commercials is to exhort consumers to buy a particular product or service.

3.Reverence (n) : Deep respect for someone or regard
Synonyms : Appreciation, Estimation
Use We showed reverence for my late uncle at a private memorial service in his favorite garden.

4.Freebie (n)  : A thing that is provided or given free of charge.
Synonyms : Gift , Handout
Use : The government paid for the minister to fly out to Australia on a freebie.

5.Dainty (adj) : Fastidious, especially concerning food or delicately small and pretty..
Synonyms: Fastidious, Fussy  , Squeamish
Use The flower girl scattered dainty petals from her pretty wicker basket.

6.Canoe (n) : A light, narrow boat with pointed ends and no keel, propelled with a paddle or paddles.
Synonyms: Kayak, Dugout, Outrigger
Use We paddled the canoe through a narrow channel, and into the open bay.

7. Gaucherie (n) : Awkward or unsophisticated ways.
Synonyms: Impropriety, Misjudgment
Use My boss was very gaucherie in his reply to my question that even my co-workers were set back and felt bad for me.

8.Atrocity (n) : An extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
Synonyms:  Cruelty, Abomination, Enormity
Use :The racist men watched as their friend performed a sexual atrocity on the black woman.

9.Pernicious (adj): Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Synonyms: Ruinous, Deadly, Lethal
Use : Lying can be pernicious to a relationship.

10.Draconian (adj):  Excessively harsh and severe.
Synonyms: Strict, Extreme, Drastic
Use :The Nazis destroyed the independence of the press by a series of draconian laws

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Team Competition Tayari.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Competitive exam 10 Vocab Daily

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1.Slake (v): Quench or satisfy
Synonyms : Satiate, Relieve, Assuage
Use : The trekkers slaked their thirst in a stream near by.

2.Inveigle (v): Persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.
Synonyms: Cajole, Wheedle, Coax
Use : My brother is going to inveigle our mother for paying  his spring trip to the Goa.

3.Loathe (v) : Feel intense dislike or disgust for.
Synonyms: Hate, Detest, Abhor, Despise
Use : She loathe her husband for cheating her.

4. Primordial (adj): Existing at or from the beginning of time, primeval.
Synonyms: Ancient,  Prehistoric, Antediluvian
Use : The primordial writing can be traced back to the cavemen.

5.Squabble (v) : Quarrel noisily over a trivial matter.
Synonyms: Quarrel, Row, Argue, Bicker
Use : Kids will squabble over the most ridiculous things.

6.Piquancy (n): A pleasantly sharp and appetizing flavour, spiciness.
Synonyms: Edge,  Tang, Spice,
Use : He imagined that that sort of thing lent a piquancy to conversation.

7.Countermand  (n) : An order revoking a previous one.
Synonyms: Quash, Scrap, Override
Use : The government’s decision to countermand prohibition made alcohol drinkers very happy.

8.Noxious (adj) : Harmful or very unpleasant.
Synonyms: Poisonous, Toxic, Deadly, Virulent
Use : You can avoid getting sick so often by frequently washing your hands to eliminate noxious bacteria and viruses.

9.Subtle (adj) : Hard to notice or see
Synonyms: precision,minute,tenuous
Use : By looking closely, I could see the subtle difference between the twins.

10.Nonentity (n) : A person or thing with no special or interesting qualities
Synonyms : cipher , Nothing
Use : The celebrity cut in front of me like I was a nonentity.

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Team Competition Tayari.