1.Ulterior (adj) : Existing beyond what is obvious or admitted
Synonyms: Secondary, Underlying, Undisclosed
Use : The eyes looked at her calmly, openly, with no ulterior thought behind,as it might seem.
2. Exhort (v) : Strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.
Synonyms: Urge, Encourage, Enjoin
Use :The purpose of most commercials is to exhort consumers to buy a particular product or service.
3.Reverence (n) : Deep respect for someone or regard
Synonyms : Appreciation, Estimation
Use : We showed reverence for my late uncle at a private memorial service in his favorite garden.
4.Freebie (n) : A thing that is provided or given free of charge.
Synonyms : Gift , Handout
Use : The government paid for the minister to fly out to Australia on a freebie.
5.Dainty (adj) : Fastidious, especially concerning food or delicately small and pretty..
Synonyms: Fastidious, Fussy , Squeamish
Use : The flower girl scattered dainty petals from her pretty wicker basket.
6.Canoe (n) : A light, narrow boat with pointed ends and no keel, propelled with a paddle or paddles.
Synonyms: Kayak, Dugout, Outrigger
Use : We paddled the canoe through a narrow channel, and into the open bay.
7. Gaucherie (n) : Awkward or unsophisticated ways.
Synonyms: Impropriety, Misjudgment
Use : My boss was very gaucherie in his reply to my question that even my co-workers were set back and felt bad for me.
8.Atrocity (n) : An extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury.
Synonyms: Cruelty, Abomination, Enormity
Use :The racist men watched as their friend performed a sexual atrocity on the black woman.
9.Pernicious (adj): Having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Synonyms: Ruinous, Deadly, Lethal
Use : Lying can be pernicious to a relationship.
10.Draconian (adj): Excessively harsh and severe.
Synonyms: Strict, Extreme, Drastic
Use :The Nazis destroyed the independence of the press by a series of draconian laws
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