Friday, 30 March 2018

Daily Vocab List 31-MARCH-2018

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Meaning: deserving or causing public disgrace or shame.
Synonym: humiliating, undignified, embarrassing,
Antonym: glorious, admirable
Sentence: "no other party risked ignominious defeat

Meaning:characterized by pretentious or showy display; designed to impress.
Synonym: showy, pretentious, conspicuous, obtrusive,
Antonym: plain, unobtrusive, restrained, modest
Sentence:"a simple design that is glamorous without being ostentatious"

3. Perjury
Meaning: the offence of willfully telling an untruth or making a misrepresentation under oath.
Synonym: violation of an oath, giving false evidence/testimony, bearing false 

witness/testimony, forswearing oneself, making false statements, wilful falsehood
Sentence: "he claimed two witnesses at his trial had committed perjury"

Meaning: inflicting or intended as punishment.
Synonym: penal, disciplinary, corrective, 
Antonym: exonerating, condoning, pardoning
Sentence: "he called for punitive measures against the Eastern bloc"

5. Lackadaisical
Meaning: lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.
Synonym: lax, unenthusiastic, half-hearted, uninterested, lukewarm, indifferent,
Antonym: enthusiastic, excited
Sentence: "a lackadaisical defence left Spurs adrift in the second half"

Meaning: something that is one's duty or responsibility.
Synonym: burden, responsibility, liability,
Antonym: exculpation, exoneration, irresponsibility
Sentence: "the onus is on you to show that you have suffered loss"

Meaning: boastful or arrogant.
Synonym: grandiloquence, magniloquence
Sentence: "it sounds braggadocious, but I don't think I ever dropped a pass in a game"

Meaning: extremely hungry.
Synonym: starved, famished;
Antonym: full
Sentence: "I'd been out all day and was ravenous"

Meaning: a harsh discordant mixture of sounds.
Synonym: din, racket, noise,
Sentence: "a cacophony of deafening alarm bells

Meaning: the quality of having strong moral principles; honesty and decency.
Synonym: integrity, honesty, uprightness, decency, morality
Sentence: "financial probity

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The Indian Express E-Paper 31-03-2018

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
Greetings from

Here is " THE INDIAN EXPRESS " 31 March 2018

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Daily Vocab List 30-MARCH-2018

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. Repercussions
Meaning: something usually bad or unpleasant that happens as a result of an action, statement, etc.
Synonym: impact,influence
Sentence: “your decision not to go to college will have repercussions you'll feel for years to come”

Meaning: to make (something) weaker or less noticeable
Synonym: desiccate ,damp
Sentence: “He took aspirin to deaden the pain.”

3. Boondocks
Meaning: rough country filled with dense brush
Synonym: boonies,nowhere
Sentence: “a former city girl who was still adjusting to life in the boondocks”

Meaning: causing great harm or damage often in a way that is not easily seen or noticed
Synonym: baneful,noxious
Sentence: “She thinks television has a pernicious influence on our children.”

Meaning: a sharp tool used for cutting the skin
Sentence: “The doctor used a lancet to proceed the surgery.”

Meaning: to convince (someone) not to do something
Synonym:deter, discourage
Sentence: “He tried to dissuade her from her intention to drop out of college”

Meaning: secret or mysterious : known or understood by only a few people
Sentence: “A theory filled with arcane details”

Meaning: a serious and intent mental state
Synonym: serious, sedate
Sentence: “ I'll accept only an earnest apology from you”

Meaning: to make a pillaging or destructive raid on
Synonym: worry,annoy
Sentence:  “The invaders harried the village's residents.”

Meaning: a tendency to act or think in a particular way
Sentence: He has a disposition toward criminal behavior.

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The HINDU E-Paper 30-03-2018

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is " THE HINDU NEWSPAPER " 30 March 2018

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Daily Vocab List 29-MARCH-2018

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

Meaning: publicly criticize (someone or something) by using ridicule, irony, or sarcasm.
Synonym: satirize, mock, ridicule,
Antonym: flattery, praise
Sentence: "the actor was lampooned by the press"

Meaning: the time at which something is most powerful or successful.
Synonym: highest point, high point, crowning point, height,
Antonym: nadir, bottom
Sentence:"the king was at the zenith of his power"

Meaning: showing a casual lack of concern
Synonym: nonchalant, untroubled, unworried,
Antonym: anxious, concerned
Sentence: "an insouciant shrug"

Meaning: send (someone) back to their own country.
Synonym: rehabilitation, reinstatement
Antonym: penalty, abolition.
Sentence: "the last German POWs were repatriated in November 1948"

5. Succinctly
Meaning: Briefly
Synonym: Shortly, summarily
Antonym: permanently, verbosely
Sentence:Please state your case as succinctly as possible.

Meaning: avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness
Synonym: inactivity,  inaction, inertia,
Sentence: "my failure is probably due to my own indolence"

Meaning: Servile flattery; exaggerated and hypocritical praise
Synonym: applause, commendation, flattery
Antonym: abuse, criticism
Sentence:The nation, following the lead of the political leaders, joined in their adulation.

8. Abetment
Meaning: Assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing
Synonym: endorsement, succour, aid
Antonym: hindrance, obstruction, stoppage
Sentence:Did Herald aid and abet a crime?

Meaning: support
Synonym: adopt, maintain, defend
Antonym: attack, reject
Sentence: He was an optimist or he would never have espoused the American cause.

Meaning: on and off
Synonym: occasional, infrequent, irregular
Antonym: common, constant, frequent
Sentence:At first resistance to Western encroachment was sporadic and uncoordinated.

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