Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Rajasthan Patrika (Hindi) E-Paper 1-June-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express, Hindi Newspapers and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is Rajasthan Patrika (Hindi) E- Paper 1- June- 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

The Indian Express E-Paper 1-June-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
Greetings from

Here is THE INDIAN EXPRESS 1 JUne 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Daily Vocab List 1-06-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. Penurious
Meaning: extremely poor; poverty-stricken.
Synonym: poverty-stricken, destitute, niggardly, parsimonious
Antonym: wealthy, generous
Sentence: "a penurious old tramp"

2. wrangle
Meaning:a dispute or argument, typically one that is long and complicated.
Synonym:argument, dispute, disagreement, quarrel
Sentence:"an insurance wrangle is holding up compensation payments"

3. wither
Meaning:fall into decay or decline., (of a plant) become dry and shrivelled
Synonym:diminish, dwindle, shrink, lessen, fade
Sentence:"it is not true that old myths either die or wither away"
"the grass had withered to an unappealing brown"

4. winsome
Meaning:attractive or appealing in a fresh, innocent way.
Synonym:lovable, adorable, lovely, delightful, enchanting, captivating,
Antonym: joyless, sad, unhappy, unsatisfied; dull, lethargic,
Sentence:"a winsome smile"

5. wince
Meaning:make a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of pain or distress.
Sentence:"he winced at the disgust in her voice"

6. wily
Meaning:skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully.
Synonym:shrewd, clever, sharp, sharp-witted, astute, canny,
Antonym:naive, guileless
Sentence:"his wily opponents"

Meaning:(of work) not requiring much skill and lacking prestige.
Synonym: unskilled, lowly, humble, low-grade, low-status, routine, humdrum, boring, dull;
Sentence:"menial factory jobs"

Meaning:hard menial or dull work.
Synonym:hard work, menial work, donkey work, toil, toiling, labour
Sentence:"domestic drudgery"

Meaning:(of a person) talking fluently, readily, or incessantly.
Synonym:talkative, loquacious, garrulous, verbose,
Sentence:"she was as voluble as her husband was silent"

Meaning:the faculty or power of using one's will.
Synonym: accord, choice, desire, determination
Sentence:"without conscious volition she backed into her office"

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.

Team Competition Tayari.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

The Indian Express E-Paper 31-May-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
Greetings from

Here is THE INDIAN EXPRESS 31 May 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Rajasthan Patrika (Hindi) E-Paper 31-May-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express, Hindi Newspapers and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
Greetings from

Here is Rajasthan Patrika (Hindi) E- Paper 31- May- 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Daily Vocab List 31-05-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. Sombre
Meaning: having or conveying a feeling of deep seriousness and sadness
Synonym: solemn, earnest, serious,
Antonym: cheerful, bright
Sentence: "he looked at her with a sombre expression"

2. Solvent
Meaning: having assets in excess of liabilities; able to pay one's debts.
Synonym: financially sound, able to pay one's debts, debt-free
Antonym: in debt
Sentence: "interest rate rises have very severe effects on normally solvent companies"

3. Sojourn
Meaning: a temporary stay., stay somewhere temporarily.
Synonym: stay, visit, stop, stopover, residence;
Sentence: "her sojourn in Rome"

4. Orthodox
Meaning: following or conforming to the traditional or generally accepted rules or beliefs of a religion, philosophy, or practice.
Synonym: conservative, traditional, observant, conformist
Antonym: unconventional, unorthodox, nonconformist
Sentence: "Burke's views were orthodox in his time"

5. Pernicious
Meaning: having a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way.
Synonym: harmful, damaging, destructive, injurious
Antonym: beneficial, benign, favourable
Sentence: "the pernicious influences of the mass media"

6. Perfidious
Meaning: deceitful and untrustworthy.
Synonym: treacherous, duplicitous, deceitful, disloyal, faithless, unfaithful, traitorous
Antonym: faithful, loyal
Sentence: "a perfidious lover"

7. Peremptory
Meaning: insisting on immediate attention or obedience, especially in a brusquely imperious way.
Synonym: high-handed, brisk, abrupt, summary, commanding, authoritative,
Antonym: humble, meek, modest, unassuming
Sentence: "‘Just do it!’ came the peremptory reply"

8. Penury
Meaning: the state of being very poor; extreme poverty.
Synonym: pennilessness, impecuniousness, impoverishment, indigence,
Antonym: wealth, affluence
Sentence: "he couldn't face another year of penury"

9. Percussion
Meaning: musical instruments played by striking with the hand or with a stick or beater, or by shaking, including drums, cymbals, xylophones, gongs, bells, and rattles.
Synonym: crash, bang, smash, clash, bump
Sentence: "percussion instruments"

10. windfall
Meaning: a large amount of money that is won or received unexpectedly.
Synonym: bonanza, jackpot,
Sentence: "members are to get an average £520 cash windfall for voting ‘yes’ to the merger"

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.

Team Competition Tayari.