Friday, 31 March 2017

Competitive exam 10 Vocab Daily

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We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. commensurate (adj) : equivalent, parallel, quality, importance.
synonyms: comparable,Tantamount
use- If he resigned it would be commensurate to admitting that he was guilty.

2. riposte (n): a quick and clever reply especially to criticism 
synonyms: retort , response
use- Mohan gave  valid riposte to the manager

3. Equivocate (v speech) : Hide the truth.
synonyms: indecision,  uncertainty
use- Ram equivocate the events of his past life.

4. penurious(adj) : very good  
synonyms:  destitute, penile
use- She has penurious condition since 2015.

5.meander (v) : walk slowly and change direction often, change subject often.
synonyms: deviate, stray
use- Kosi river often made meander.

6. baleful (adj) : to hurt, threatening to do evil
Synonyms: malign, slander
use - The teacher baleful glare frightened the children.

7. vitriolic (adj) : filled with bitter criticism or malice.
Synonyms: acrimonious, rancorous, bitter 
use - vitriolic attacks on the terrorist. 

8. trenchant (adj) : vigorous or incisive in expression or style
synonyms: penetrating, sharp, keen, acute
use- The times were felt to require ... trenchant distinctions between good and bad, right and wrong.

9 . exhilaration (n) : a feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation
Synonyms: exultation, exaltation, joy, happiness, delight
use - Indian army felt the exhilaration of winning kargil war.

10 .  soggy (adj) : very wet and soft.
Synonyms: pappy, slushy, sloppy
uses : cotton is very soggy, unlike wood.

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Team Competition Tayari.

The HINDU E-Paper 1-April-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is " THE HINDU NEWSPAPER "  1 April 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

The Indian Express E-Paper 1-April-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is THE INDIAN EXPRESS 1 April 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

The Indian Express E-Paper 31-March-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Team Competition Tayari.

Competitive exam 10 Vocab Daily

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. Jilted (Adj)- left
synonyms- neglected, deserted
use- A year after his lady-love had jilted him he received a letter from her in England.

2. Undulating(Adj)- wavy
synonyms- rolling, undulant
use- The surrounding country is undulating and highly picturesque.

3. Contemplate(V)- think about seriously
synonyms- ponder, envisage
use- Those who contemplate building should not fail to subscribe.

4. Perpetuate(V)- keep going
synonyms- maintain, preserve
use- He could not continue to perpetuate such an absurdity as that title.

5. Impair(V)- harm
synonyms- blunt, debilitate
use- It did not in the least impair his value as a soldier or commanding officer.

6. Predicament(N)- Difficult situation
synonyms- crisis, imbroglio
use- For safety, the climbers had in their predicament nothing to fear.

7. Chaos(N)- utter confusion
synonyms- anarchy, pandemonium
use- Even in the chaos of my thoughts, I wondered, dully, at their extraordinary shapes.

8. Avaricious(Adj)- greedy
synonyms- covetous, hoarding
use- He is depicted in his declining years, as arbitrary, crabbed and avaricious.

9. Delinquent(Adj)- defaulting
synonyms- offending, overdue
use- A study of the delinquent wards of the Juvenile Court of Mumbai.

10. Trajectory(N)- Course
synonyms- curve, direction
use- But the rest of his mind tried to imagine such a trajectory.

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.

Team Competition Tayari.

Wednesday, 29 March 2017

The Indian Express E-Paper 30-March-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Team Competition Tayari.

The HINDU E-Paper 30-March-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Here is " THE HINDU NEWSPAPER "  30 MARCH 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Competitive exam 10 Vocab Daily

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. Abhor(v): to detest, hate
synonyms-despise, detest
use- She abhorred all forms of bigotry.

2. Abject(adj): wretched; lacking pride.
synonyms-wretched, dishonor
use- One the streets of New York, the homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to find shelter from the wind.

3. Abjure(v): to renounce upon oath.
synonyms- give up, renege
use- He abjured his allegiance to the king.

4. Ablution(N): washing.
synonyms- cleansing, lavation
use- His daily ablutions were accompanied by loud noises that he humorously labeled “Opera in the Bath.”

5. Abnegation(N): renunciation; self-sacrifice.
synonyms- forbearance, refusal
use- Though Rudolph and Duchess Flavia loved one another, their love was doomed, for she had to wed the king; their act of abnegation was necessary to preserve the kingdom.

6. Abolish(V): to cancel; put an end to.
synonyms- abrogate, annul
use- The president of the college refused to abolish the physical education requirement.

7. Abominable(adj): detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad.
synonyms- awful, horrid
use- Many liked John until she learned he was also dating Susan; then she called him an abominable young man, with abominable taste in women.

8. Abominate(V): to loathe; hate.
synonyms- dislike, abhor
use- Hoses scolded the idol worshippers in the tribe because he abominated the custom.

9. Aboriginal(adj): being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native.
synonyms- ancient, native
use- Her studies of the primitive art forms of the aboriginal Indians were widely reported in the scientific journals.

10. Abortive(adj): unsuccessful; fruitless.
synonyms- failed, futile
use- Attacked by armed troops, the Chinese students had to abandon their abortive attempt to democratize Beijing peacefully.

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.

Team Competition Tayari.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Competitive exam 10 Vocab Daily

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily Vocab & Study Content for the competitive student.Greetings from

1. Abscond(V)- run away
synonyms- vanish, leave
use- His life was safe if either of these men could be persuaded to abscond.

2. Anguish(N)- severe upset
synonyms- heartbreak, distress
use- I had cast off all feeling, subdued all anguish to riot in the excess of my despair.

3. Inevitably(Adv)- unavoidably
synonyms- surely, inescapably
use-That to attempt it, would be inevitable to be torn into a quick eternity.

4. Camouflage(N)- disguise
synonyms- concealment, deceit
use-As for the machines themselves, they scorned the use of camouflage

5. Sanctum(N)- sanctuary
synonyms- chancel, altar
use-I summons my companion, who joins me, and we enter our sanctum.

6. Prevalent(Adj)- widespread
synonyms- extensive, rampant
use-Measles is the most prevalent infectious disease of childhood.

7. Edgy(Adj)- nervous
synonyms- restless, anxious
use-He had scarcely closed his eyes the night before, and he felt all edgy.

8. Cataclysmic(Adj)- destructive
synonyms- calamitous, ruinous
use-At once it seemed as if some cataclysmic upheaval were in progress.

9. Dismay(N)- Distress
synonyms- apprehension, charging
use-This was said in such a decided tone that March looked at Mary in dismay.

10. Propensity(N)- inclination
synonyms- penchant, the tendency
use-No more is needed to arouse his propensity to thrust with his back.

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.

Team Competition Tayari.

The HINDU E-Paper 29-March-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
Greetings from

Here is " THE HINDU NEWSPAPER "  29 MARCH 2017

If you like our effort please visit our blog frequently.
Team Competition Tayari.

Monday, 27 March 2017

The Indian Express E-Paper 28-March-2017

Hi Aspirants,
We provide Daily E-Paper (The Hindu, The Indian Express and other) & Study Content for the competitive student.
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Team Competition Tayari.