Tuesday, 28 February 2017

THE HINDU 1-03-2017


1.Discernment (N) : perception
synonyms- acumen, understanding
use-Tact is skill in touching; nice perception or discernment in dealing with others.

2. Narcissism (N) : egotism
synonyms- arrogance, selfishness
use-Narcissism is a result of stunted growth and of childhood abuse.

3. Mutiny(N): resistance
synonyms- defiance, insurrection
use-This was a clear case of mutiny, and the only one in which I was ever implicated.

4. Sabotage(N): damage
synonyms- vandalism, disruption
use-The sabotage of the Preliminary had been the first local step in that direction.

5. Protrude(V): stick out
synonyms- extrude, extend
use-She had no flesh left; her bones seemed to protrude through the skin.

6. Recede(V): withdraw
synonyms- abate, regress
use- The Cabinet will recede more and more from our principles, our party.

7. Wanton(Adj): extravagant
synonyms-  lustful, outrageous
use-Between 1868 and 1872 they added ten millions by wanton extravagance to the State debt.

8. Nullify(V): cancel
synonyms-  revoke, abolish
use-Fortunately, the attempt to nullify its benefits proved ineffectual.

9. Align(V): line up
synonyms-  array, adjust
use-Similar instruction is given the troopers in aligning themselves to the left.

10. Grapple(V): grab
synonyms-  confront, cope
use-Every blood-vessel was striving to grapple with the present.

Monday, 27 February 2017

the hindu 28-02-2017

banking vocab

1.Apposite(Adj): pertinent
synonyms-germane, suitable
use-Even Balder made remarks which seemed to be regarded as apposite.

2.Efficacy(N): productiveness
synonyms-adequacy, potency
use-The efficacy of the coming system was nowhere felt at first.

3.Dissonance(N): disagreement
synonyms-disparity, conflict
use-Dissonance arises from the divergence of one of these agents.

4.Esoteric(Adj): obscure
synonyms-mysterious, arcane
use-It is difficult for the uninitiated to arrive at the esoteric meaning of these writings.

5.Resilience(N): elasticity
synonyms-flexibility, recoil
use-America honors the strength and resilience of the people of this region.

6.Reconnaissance(N):examination or survey conducted in advance
synonyms-investigation, exporation
use-It was already dusk when we returned from the reconnaissance.

7.Quack(Adj): counterfeit
synonyms-fake, pseudo
use-The Cardinal sent an intimation that he would like to see the quack.

8.Tarnished(V): corrupt
synonyms-damage, defame
use-To fail him in these ways would have tarnished her opinion of herself.

9.Burlesque(Adj):comic play
synonyms-mock, caricatural
use-Burlesque of character and calling puts in an occasional appearance.

10.Eschew(V): having nothing to do with
synonyms-abandon, forgo
use-We will eschew marriage; we will be nuns in the true sense of the word.

Saturday, 25 February 2017

SSC Top Most Interview Questions

Greetings from Competition Tayari.

I have recievd many of request regards SSC Interview Questions. SO as per your reuest here I am providing you SSC Top most Interview questions which asked every year. These questions which are repeatedly asked in various SSC CGL exams, other SSC Exams and other interviews in your life. Whenever you are going to present yourself in front of interviewers. You must prepare these Questions before. If you face any problem to ans, feel free to use comment box or contact Competition Tayari.

  1.     Tell us something about yourself.
  2.     What are your strengths?
  3.     What is your aim in life?
  4.     What are your hobbies?
  5.     Tell us something about your family?
  6.     Why did you choose appearing for SSC CGL exam?
  7.     Tell me something about your few weaknesses.
  8.     Tell us about your university and college.
  9.     What was the unique thing about this college that caught ur eye?
  10.     What are your views on banning of beef in few states of India?
  11.     Which department will you like to join if given opportunity? and Why?
  12.     How comfortable you are in living at different places of India? Will it be easy for you to live     away from your parents?
  13.     How much did you get in 10th, 11th and 12th class?
  14.     What is your favourite subject?
  15.     Why did you go for Btech for appearing in SSC exams instead of normal graduation?
  16.     What is your view on Ayodhya? Should we built there a temple or mosque?
  17.      What are the headlines of today's newspaper?
  18.     Tell us something about your city?
  19.     What is your favourite sports?
  20.     Why should we select you? Give atleast one quality to support your reason.
  21.     As you have applied using reserved quota, What are your views on this caste based              reservation system? Should it continue?
  22.     What is your favourite book? How has it impacted on you?
  23.     Do you have got placed anywhere before appearing in this interview?
  24.     Tell us something about current Prime Minister and President of India?
  25.     What do you think are the benefits of Social Networking sites? Name some of them.
  26.     Do you believe in God?
  27.     What do your friends think for you?
  28.     How long can a state of India be under presidential rule?
  29.     Do you watch movies? What is the name of the movie you watched recently? Tell us a   summary of it?
  30.     Tell us about your extra-curricular activities?
  31.     Do you want to ask us something?
With Best Wishes

Friday, 24 February 2017

THE HINDU 25-02-2017

bank po vocab

1. Pallid(Adj): Pale
synonyms- anemic,feeble
use- His pallid, thin face was set in an aspect of grieved wonder.

2. Palpable(Adj): clear
synonyms- certain, evident
use- A palpable success here for either side must go far to decide the issue of the war.

3. Scrupulous(Adj): extremely careful
synonyms- honest, meticulous
use- Everything was managed with scrupulous formality and courtesy.

4. Extraneous(Adj): irrevelant
synonyms- incidental, nonessential
use- He is not conscious of closing his mind to extraneous knowledge.

5. Scuttle(V): destroy
synonyms- abandon, sink
use- A scuttle in the deck of a steamer to admit fuel for the engine.

6. Digress(V): deviate
synonyms- meander, depart
use- I will digress a bit and explain how these stone-quarries were discovered.

7. Chicanery(N): deception
synonyms- dishonesty, stratagem
use- In a world of chicanery and treachery the sword alone cut clean.

8. Profanity(N): foul language
synonyms- obscentiy, abuse
use- I rejoined with some severity, for I have never held with profanity.

9. Upshot(N): end result
synonyms- afereffects, gist
use- The upshot of his rough life is, that he becomes a true Christian.

10. Unwitting(Adj): without fully realizing
synonyms- forgetful, inadvertant
use- It is impossible for a publisher to make an " unwitting " affidavit of that sort.

ISRO Recruitment 2017

Recruitment to the post of Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ in the disciplines of Electronics, Mechanical, and Computer Science


Indian Space Research Organisation [ISRO]/Department of Space Centres/Units are engaged in Research and Development activities in development of Space Application, Space Science and Technology for the benefit of society at large and for serving the nation by achieving self- reliance and developing capacity to design and build Launch Vehicles and Communication/Remote Sensing Satellites and thereafter launch them. ISRO strives to serve the nation in the areas of television broadcast, Location based services, telecommunication, meteorological application and in the management of our natural resources. The Indian Space Programme continues to pursue successful goals on all fronts in meeting the objective of achieving self-reliance in space technology and its applications for national development. 

The future ISRO program envisages the development of cutting edge technologies for the reusable launch vehicle, development of advanced technologies for Human Spaceflight Programme, advanced high-efficiency semi-cryogenic propulsion engine, an advanced communication satellite, air breathing propulsion, satellite based navigation system, hyperspectral imaging sensors, lunar & planetary exploration etc. 

Challenging opportunities exist at ISRO to undertake the development of innovative technologies and establish the advanced technical infrastructure needed for space exploration and beyond. 

ISRO offers the position of Scientist/Engineer 'SC' in Level 10 of Pay Matrix to the young graduates in the following engineering disciplines:-

1. Electronics     2. Mechanical       3. Computer Science

Apply Now (Separate link Available)

Best Wishes
#CT Competition Tayari Team

JMRC Recruitment 2017


Jaipur Metro Rail Corporation Ltd-JMRC Recruitment for Junior Engineer, Station Controller & Various posts.

The recruitment is being undertaken under the provisions of the JMRC Recruitment Rules, 2012, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Rules’, JMRC websites: www.jaipurmetrorail.in, http://transport.rajasthan.gov.in/jmrc portal, i.e., www.jmrcrecruitment.in. 
This manpower is being recruited against the vacant posts in JMRC and given the transitory nature of the mode of project operations & maintenance, the nature of service is temporary, as explained in the Rules, especially Preamble thereof.


View Details

Apply Now

Best Wishes
#CT Competition Tayari Team

Thursday, 23 February 2017

THE HINDU 23-02-2017

bank po vocab

1. Capacious(Adj): spacious
Synonyms- comfortable, commodious
use- She shook the capacious fluttering folds and handed it to its owner.

2. Exhaustive(Adj): complete and thorough
Synonyms- extensive, in-depth
use-It was a thorough, exhaustive, orderly code of rules and regulations

3. Ludicrous(Adj): ridiculous
Synonyms- fantastic, bizarre
use- The idea was so romantically ludicrous that she giggled.

4. Exonerates(V): removes blame
Synonyms- absolve, acquit
use- I want to get to the truth, and any truth which exonerates you will be very welcome to me.

5. Tumult(N): uproar
Synonyms- commotion, pandemonium
use- Here the tumult of mingled emotion subsided in a flood of tears.

6. Carping(Adj): constant criticism
Synonyms- disparaging, griping
use- You can hear the carping critic at any time that you may wish!

7. Lukewarm(Adj): unenthusiastic
Synonyms- tepid, warm
use- Have ready some water, rather more than lukewarm, but not hot.

8. Despondent(Adj): having no hope
Synonyms- dejected, discouraged
use- He's always rather low and despondent when he's wanting his victuals.

9. Expedite(V): make faster
Synonyms- facilitate, promote
use- To expedite this proceeding we got another hawser carried on shore.

10. Sardonic(Adj): mocking
Synonyms- acerbic, caustic
use- The Doctor grinned at her with sardonic enjoyment of her predicament.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

the hindu 22-02-2017



Personal Pronoun
            “A pronoun is a word used instead of a Noun”.
            (I, we, you, he, she, it, they) are called personal pronouns because they stand for the three persons.

(i)       The person speaking
(ii)      The person spoken to, and
(iii)     The person spoken of.

‘You’ is both singular and Plural.

Nominative case (Subjective)
Objective case 
Possessive case

First Person
my, mine,
our, ours
Second Person

your, yours
Third person
her, hers
their, theirs
Pronouns are used so that our language is not cumbersome with the same nouns being repeated over and over in a paragraph.

Subject Pronoun: (Subjective case)
(I, we, you, he, she, it, they)

Example:     She is at work.
‘She’ is main subject of the sentence, hence in the sentence, ‘She’ is the subjective personal pronoun.

 Objective pronoun (objective case)
Example:  He will meet us later.
‘Us’ is the objective personal pronoun, as it is the object of the verb ‘meet.’

Possessive pronoun (possessive case)
Example: That is our clubhouse.

‘Our’ shows the possession of the object ‘clubhouse’.


Example:  He went to the market.
He is used for male gender.
Other examples – (his, him, he etc.)

Example:  She is doing the laundry.
‘she’ is used for female gender.
(Her, hers, etc.)

Example:  It is important to them.

‘It’ is gender neutral as it shows an object,

 ‘Them’ is also gender neutral as ‘Them’ can consists of both genders.

Others gender neutral pronouns are - (Their, they, its.)

Singular Pronoun – where the pronoun is only referring to one specific Noun.
Example: That book belongs to me.

Plural Pronoun – where the pronoun is used to refer to a number of nouns.
Example: That is Their book, not yours.


“They are object pronouns that we use when the subject and the object are the same Noun.”

Example: I told myself not to bet all my money on one horse.

Example: The robber hurt himself chasing me through the alley.

“Reflexive pronouns are those which are used to indicate a noun which has been used in an earlier part of the same sentence.
(myself, themselves, yourself, ourselves, herself, himself, itself.)

Example: She blamed herself for the accident.
He is himself today.


“These pronouns are used to emphasize a Noun or pronoun. 
(myself, himself, herself, themselves, itself, yourself, yourselves and ourselves.)

Example: He himself is his worst critic.

“These pronouns act as appositives of nouns or pronouns for the sake of emphasis,”

Example: You yourself wrote those words.

This request came from the employee themselves.

They themselves know that the Prank was in bad taste.

Avoid reporting things that you yourself haven’t witnessed.


“Demonstrative pronouns are used to show or identify one or a number of nouns that may be far or near in distance or time.

They are only four in number (This, that, these, those)
This, that → Singular demonstrative pronoun
These, those → Plural demonstrative pronouns.

Example: That is a beautiful house.

They can also be used to show an unspecified quantity in a sentence.

Example: These were made by me.
(These is showing an unspecified quantity of something that was made by a person.)

Example: Everyone remembers those days.
(Those is showing a particular time or period of days in the past, it is being used in place of a noun that could be – school, summer, college etc.)

Example: This is what he is charging.
This is used as pronoun in place of a number.

These pronouns point out someone or something.
They are identical in form to demonstrative adjective/determiners.

The difference is that…
→ A demonstrative pronoun stands alone (because it is a substitute for a noun or noun phrase)

→ But a demonstrative adjective is accompanied by the noun it modifies.

Example: She gave me this gift.
(This – demonstrative adjective)

I like this.
(This – demonstrative pronoun)

(More example of demonstrative pronoun)
These are my children.
That is a good idea.
The streets of Delhi are more crowded than those of Mumbai. 


“These pronouns do stand for some person or thing, but we don’t know for exactly whom.”

When we say, “somebody stole my watch.”
(We don’t know to whom the word ‘somebody’ refers to.  The word ‘somebody’ is an indefinite pronoun.

Example: One should speak the truth.
                Somebody immediately called the doctor.
                Anybody can solve this problem.
                Nobody was present.
                Many are called, but few are chosen.
               Do good to others.

(Few, all, some, none, everything- indefinite pronouns)


“These Pronouns refer to individual elements in a group or a pair, one individual at a time.”

Example:     Each of the boys gets a prize.
                        Either of these roads leads to the railway station.
                        Either of you can go.
                        Neither of the accusations is true.
                        You may bring any of your friends
                        None of our students failed last year.

Each, either, neither are called distributive pronouns because they refer to persons or things, one at a time.

Each →used to denote every one of a number of persons or things taken singly.

Either means the one or the other of two.
Neither means not the one nor the other of two.
It is negative of either.

Either and Neither should be used only in speaking of two persons or things.

When more than two are spoken of (Any, No one, and none) should be used.


Each and one really belong to the subject, Other and another are objects, but Each other and one another have become compound pronouns, (and are called reciprocal pronouns) and are rarely separated even by a preposition)

Example:     The brothers quarreled with each other.
                        They all gave evidence against one another.
                        Jamie and Jack always sit beside each other in break.

                      They haven’t seen one another since last year.


These pronouns are used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun.
These are: who, whom, which, whoever, whomever, whose, whichever and that.

Example: The driver who Ran the stop sign was careless.

Which and that are generally used for objects.

Who and whom are used for people and whose is used to show possession.

Example: she will choose the color which looks good on everyone

She is complaining to whoever she comes across nowadays.

There is a car in the parking lot that someone has painted a bright pink.

Is there anyone here whose mobile phone has a signal?
I met Hari who had just returned.
I have found the pen which I lost.
There is the book That you lent me.


Who, whom, which and what are interrogative pronouns as they are used to ask questions about a person or object that we do not know about.

Compounds of these words are made by attaching (–ever) to the words to strengthen the emphasis on the word.

Example:     which one would you like?
                        What is your Name?
                        Who will be managing the bullet?
                        Whom did you tell about this?
                        Whoever could have done this?
                        Whichever one will you choose?
‘Who’ is always the subject of the verb.
‘Whom’ is never the subject of the verb.
It is object of the verb.
It is used to show the person to or for whom the action is being done.
Example: whom were you meeting with?

bank PO vocab

1.Invincible(Adj): too strong to be defeated
Synonyms- indomitable, irresistible
use- What invincible pride there was in the man's very surrender.

2.Sanity(N): health of mind soundness of judgment
Synonyms- prudence, normality
use-I really believe you have saved the sanity of my friend Went worth.
3.Infuriate(V): fill with fury or rage
Synonyms- aggravate, exasperate  
use-It appears that she had lost her temper and tried her best to infuriate him.

4.Colloquial(Adj): involving or using conversation.
Synonyms- conversational, vernacular
use- In this way he acquired a colloquial knowledge of that language.

5.Edify(V): instruct
Synonyms- uplift, enlighten
use- Its aim is not to instruct, not to edify, but to awaken an emotion.

6.Recuperate(V): become strong after illness loss exhaustion 
Synonyms-heal, mend
use-The dogs were in need of a rest to recuperate for the next chase.

7.Vivacious(Adj):lively high-spirited
Synonyms- animate, cheerful
use-They are useful, good-looking, piquant, tasteful and vivacious.

8.Permeate(V): spread into every part of
Synonyms- penetrate, infuse
use-It does not seem, like London smoke, to permeate and blend with the air.

9.Enigma(N):something that is puzzling
Synonyms- bewilderment, crux
use-The enigma is only made clear by sacrifice, and the gift of heaven is in the hands of every man.

10.Boisterous(Adj): noisy; restraint
Synonyms- clamorous, strident
use-Not that  I was boisterous, perhaps, but surely always the gentleman.

Monday, 20 February 2017

english vocab

1. Equivocation(N): speaking ambiguously
use-Peter had reached a point where he was tired of equivocation.

2. Diaphanous(Adj): transparent; thin and delicate
Synonyms-chiffon, delicate
use-The branches of the high elms stood out clearly in the diaphanous atmosphere.

3. Feckless(Adj): feeble
Synonyms-careless, futile
use-I thought men were too feckless to have curtains without a woman.

4. Penchant(N): inclination
Synonyms- affinity, proclivity
use-I had a penchant for running away from disagreeable surroundings.

5. Recondite(Adj): obscure
Synonyms- abstruse, concealed
use-This is, indeed, one of the most recondite mysteries of human nature.

6. Demagogue(N): mob leader
Synonyms- fanantic, agitator
use-He is a demagogue, stirring up the wild-beast passions of the people.

7. Dexterity(N): skill, esp. with hands
Synonyms- cleverness, ingenuity
use-She broke another for the pure joy of putting her dexterity to the test once more.

8. Avaricious(Adj): greedy for money
synonyms-hoard, covetous
use-The avaricious are out of the pale of peace already, and at all events.

9. Cumbersome(Adj): difficult to carry
synonyms-bulky, burdensome
use-It was heavy and cumbersome, and she realized, in her unskilled hand, useless.

10. Baleful(Adj): evil
synoyms-calamitous, dire
use-Everyone inherits something from the baleful institution, but not everyone the same.

Friday, 17 February 2017


Gateway Bank Po: English (Noun)
Words are divided into different kinds or classes according to the work they do in a sentence. These kinds or classes are known as Parts of Speech. They are eight in number:
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Verb
4. Adjective
5. Adverb
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection.
What is noun?
Noun is a word used to name a person, place or thing.
For example:
Rama was an epic king.

Kinds of Noun
1. Common Noun
A common noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the same class or kind. For example;
I write with a pen.
The student asked me a few questions.

2. Proper Noun
A proper noun is the name of a particular person or place.
For example:
Ramu is a wise fellow.
Patna lacks basic civic amenities.

Rule: Proper nouns are always written with a capital letter at the beginning.
Incorrect: Earlier the capital of india was in calcutta.
Correct: Earlier the capital of India was in Calcutta.

Rule: Proper nouns are sometimes used as common nouns.
Incorrect: LK Advani is today regarded as Sardar
Patel of India.
Correct: LK Advani is today regarded as the Sardar Patel of India.

Rule: In this case proper nouns are always preceded by articles.
She is a Lata Mangeshkar.
Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.

3. Collective Noun
A Collective noun is the name of a group of persons or things. For example army, committee, crowd, fleet, flock, herd, jury, mob, parliament, team.

Rule: A collective noun usually takes a singular verb and is substituted by a singular pronoun.
Incorrect: The jury were unanimous in their opinion.
Correct: The jury was unanimous in its opinion.

Rule: A collective noun takes a plural verb and is substituted by a plural pronoun when the individuals of which it is composed are thought of net behaving as a single unit
Incorrect: The jury was divided in its opinions.
Correct: The jury were divided in their opinions.

4. Abstract Noun
An abstract noun is usually the name of a quality, action or state considered apart from the object ( which is usually a common noun and often qualified by an adjective) to which it belongs. For example:
Innocence is integral to a child.
Love knows no bound.

5. Material Noun
A material noun is the name of a material ( matter from which a thing is made). For example:
Cotton is the source of natural fibre.
Milk constitutes a nutritious food.

Rule: A material noun does not take an article (a, an, the) before it.
Incorrect: The tobacco is a cash crop.
Correct: Tobacco is a cash crop.

Rule: It takes articles when treated as common nouns.
Incorrect: They offered me glass of water.
Correct: They offered me a glass of water.
Numbers are of two kinds-
(1) Singular Number
(2) Plural Number
Generally while changing singular noun to plural we add s, es in the end.
For example
On the surface some nouns appear to be singular but in meaning they are treated as plural.
For example,
cattle, clergy, people, children, police, poultry
Incorrect: The peasantry has always stood as rockstars for the development of a country.
Correct: The peasantry have always stood as rockstars for the development of a country.
Some nouns look like plural but are always used as singular. For example,
Subjects - Mathematics, economics, physics, ethics, politics, classics.

Rule: When these subjects denote qualities or property, they are used in plural sense. For example,
Incorrect: His mathematics is weak.
Correct: His mathematics are weak.
Diseases - Rickets, AIDS, diabetes, mumps, measles. Some other nouns - News, gallows, summons, innings.
Some nouns are plural in form and in meaning, normally they are instruments or dress articles which have two parts and make a kind of pair. Do not use a/an before these nouns.
For example,
Spectacles, tongs, scissors, pincers, bellows, trousers, drawers, breaches, pants, knickers, pantaloons.
Certain other nouns - caves, riches (valuables), alms, funds, proceeds (profit), annals (record).
Incorrect : I bought a trousers yesterday.
Correct :I bought a pair of trousers yesterday.
Some nouns are always singular and used as singular only. For example Poetry, information, machinery, dust, furniture, dirt, traffic, money, music. Some nouns have one meaning in singular form and another in plural.

Quiz based on above concepts :

1. When he returned (a)/ from America, he informed me (b)/ that he had come here (c)/ to do urgent work. (d)/ No error (e)
2. I do my best (a)/ but I don’t understand (b)/ why I do not get expected (c)/ marks in the examination. (d)/ No error (e)
3. The pretty woman (a)/ sitting in the car (b)/ is the daughter of one of (c)/ the headman of the village. (d)/ No error (e)
4. You will not be (a)/ allowed to go (b)/ anywhere else to (c)/ play outdoor games. (d)/ No error (e)
5. The beautiful surrounding (a)/ of the palace (b)/ attracted a large number of (c)/ tourists coming from abroad. (d)/ No error (e)
6. He did not know (a)/ that the headquarter (b)/ of the army (c)/ was in Delhi. (d)/ No error (e)
7. Liberalisation of economy (a)/ has given birth to (b)/ many uncommon (c)/ phenomenon in the society.(d)/ No error (e)
8. Thousand of young (a)/ protesters were standing (b)/ at Jantar Mantar and (c)/ supporting Anna Hazare. (d)/ No error (e)
9. It is very difficult (a)/ to chase (b)/ a huge score in the (c)/ fourth inning. (d)/ No error (e)
10. He gave me (a)/ a five-rupees note (b)/ and asked me to get (c)/ him a few cigarettes. (d)/ No error (e)

1. e; No error
2. e; No error
3. d; Replace “headman” with “headmen”
4. e; No error
5. a; Replace “surrounding” with “surroundings”
6. b; Replace “headquarter” with “headquarters”
7. d; Replace “phenomenon” with “phenomena”
8. a; Replace “thousand” with “thousands”
9. d; Replace “inning” with “innings”
10. b; Replace “rupees” with “rupee”


1.Abrasion(N): process of scraping or rubbing 
Synonyms- scrape, chafe
use-Her works are much injured by scaling or the abrasion of the colors.

2.Expatiate(V): speak or write at great length
Synonyms- enlarge, develop
use-It cannot be necessary to expatiate at all upon the nature of the offence.

3.Abeyance(N): state of inactivity; disuse
Synonyms- dormancy, latency
use-Due to budget cuts, employer contributions to retirement accounts are being put in abeyance.

4.Dissemble(V): avoid the truth
Synonyms- camouflage, falsify
use-He had meant to wait; but, with his keen eyes on her, she could not dissemble.

5.Errant(adj): deviate
Synonyms- stray, meander
use-Burns smiled as a king might upon a young knight seeking an errant.

6.Hegemony(N): political domination
Synonyms- authority, command
use- With the dynasty of the Omayyads the hegemony passes finally from Syria to Iraq.

7.Malign(adj): slander
Synonyms- antagonistic, baleful
use-His atmosphere is malign ; his presence breathes treason towards England.

8.Enlist(v): sign up for responsibiltiy
Synonyms- engage, assign
use-We are with them when they enlist in the great army of freedom.

9.Demarcate(v): differentiate
Synonyms- detach, mark off
use-General xiu and he proposed to demarcate south of the Taiping.

10.Diffident(Adj): hesitant
Synonyms- bashful, unassuming
use-The diffident took heart before her, and the presumptuous were checked.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Competition vocab

1.Concord(N): Agreement between two
Synonyms- mutual,harmony
Use-The symbol of Concord was two right hands joined together.

2.Desultory(Adj):lacking in consistency
Synonyms- erratic, deviating
Use-After a few minutes of desultory conversation, the politial left.

3.Inculcate(V): teach persistently and earnestly
Synonyms- ingrain, instill
Use-The authors of the New Comedy - strongly inculcate humanity.

4.Subtle(Adj): Delicate, quiet
Synonyms- ingenious, exquisite
Use-A subtle atmosphere distinguishes a town in England from a town in France.

5.Effulgent(Adj): Shining forth brilliantly
Synonyms- blazing, flaming
Use-She was so large and effulgent that one hardly missed the sun.

6.Cynosure(N): a person or thing that attracts
Synonyms- luminary,luminary
Use-He was like one transformed, the cynosure of all initiated in the mysteries of this divinity.

7.Cavil(V): Fault finding
Synonyms- criticize, carp
Use-Dalton liked sympathy too well to cavil about his title to it

8.Grouse(N): Complaint
Synonyms- grievance, hardship
Use-Sometimes we go together on the hills after grouse.

9.Tremulous(Adj): Timorous
Synonyms- nervousness, fearful
Use-The girl gave a frightened cry, then a tremulous little sob of joy.

10.Pusillanimous(Adj): Fearful
Synonyms- cowardly, tame
Use-A blind faith is only one remove from a pusillanimous skepticism.

Monday, 13 February 2017


1.Menace(N): a dangerous or possibly harmful person.
Synonyms- Peril, intimidation

Use-Crime against woman is a menace to society.

2.Effigy(N): an image of a person
Synonyms- likeness, satue
Use-Here lies the effigy of the bishop in a carved and richly gilded tomb.

3.Strife(N): an act of contention
Synonyms- controversy,animosity
Use-20 years of civil strife have left the country's economy in ?ruins.

4.Reconciliation: the process of finding away to make different ideas
Synonyms- conciliation, accord
Use-It took ?hours of ?negotiations to ?bring about a reconciliation between the two ?sides.

5.Purge(N) : to cause something to leave the body.
Synonyms- evacuation, elimination
Use- The results of the election revealed that voters were determined to purge the city of its corrupt officials.

6.Litigant(N): a person who involved in a lawsuit 
Synonyms- offender, offender
Use-Every litigant was legally required to conduct his own case.

7.Laggards(N): a person or thing that does not go or move
Synonyms- slow starter, idler
Use-The gentleman from Maxico has learned much since 1861; but he is still a laggard.

8.Encore(N): a demand for repetition
Synonyms- plaudits, reappearance
Use- Audience were ?shouting for an encore.

9.Depravity(N): an evil or immoral act
Synonyms- degradation, contamination
Use-Though I believe one reason of their depravity is the badness of the actors.

10.Palpable(Adj): capable of being touched or felt
Synonyms- clear, obvious
Use-A palpable success here for either side must go far to decide the issue of the war.

Sunday, 12 February 2017


SBI PO 2017: Application Link Activated
Dear Readers,


Important Events:-
Commencement of on-line registration of application: 07th February 2017
Closure of registration of application: 06th March 2017
Last date for printing your application: 21st March 2017
Online Fee Payment: 07th February 2017 to 06th March 2017



1.cognizance(N): awareness
synonyms- insight,attention
Use- Banks are taking cognizance of the healthy asset quality and low credit losses.

2.Uphold(V): To support or defend against opposition.
synonyms- defend, advocate
Use-You are expected on all occasions to uphold the authority of me. 

3.Lynch(V): To put to death
synonyms- execution, capital punishment
Use-Lynching was one of the reasons most often given as a cause of the migration.

4.Incumbent(Adj): Obligatory
synonyms- necessary, binding
Use-It is incumbent on high constitutional functionaries to rise to the occasion.

5.Embolden(V): Encourage
synonyms- energize, invigorate
Use- Emboldened by his success, I followed his advice.

6.Apposite(Adj): Pertinent
Synonyms- relevant, germane
Use-Talk should proceed by instances; by the apposite, not the expository.

7.Untenable(Adj): indefensible
Synonyms- illogical, unsound
Use-This is clearly untenable that the ruling party wants to disregard secularism.

8.Pronouncement(N): an advertisement  or decree
Synonyms- announcement, judgment
Use-At the conclusion of the pronouncement,the supreme court judge thanked everyone.

9.Paragon(N): outstanding
Synonyms- epitomb, ideal
Use-We see a paragon of paternity between our two counties.

10.Radical(Adj): Fundamental
Synonyms- basic, basal
Use-Radical inciters are telling politicians that we are going to destroy the mosque.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

12-02-2017 NEWS PAPER


1. Digress (V): To wander
Synonyms- deflect,aberrate
Use-I do not mind her habit of digressing, she's such a good customer.

2. Consummate (Adj): To make something complete or perfect
Synonyms- mpeccable,absolute
Use- The marriage lasted only a week and was never consummated.

3. Attrition (N): A gradual decrease in number
Synonyms- depreciation, attenuation
Use-The difficulty was to overcome its susceptibility to attrition.

4. Exacerbate(V): To aggravte
Synonyms- intensify, exasperate
Use-The pain reliever exacerbated the pain instead of acting as a reliever.

5. Divulgate (V): TO make publicly known
Synonyms- Uncover,exhibit
Use-She merely again urged the Princess never to divulgate the secret.

6. Fabricate (V): TO invent a story and cheat someone
Synonyms- devise, brainstorm
Use-The attorney claimed that he could prove that all the charges against his client had been fabricated.

7. Heckle (V): To harass with questions or tuants
Synonyms- interrupt, jeer
Use-The speaker could not proceed with his lecture as he was heckled by the audience.

8. Idyllic (Adj): simple and carefree
Synonyms- peaceful, halcyon
Use- We went for an idyllic vacation in a seashore cottage.

9. Meander (V): To move aimlessly
Synonyms- recoil,drift
Use-He spent the afternoon meandering around the streets.

10. Niggardly (Adj): mean,stingy
Synonyms- parsimonious,miserly
Use-we are finding it hard to make the two ends meet on the niggardly pittance we are earning.

Friday, 10 February 2017


Want to earn 50000 Oil India limited Jodhpur has chance for You

Oil India Limited Jodhpur has arranged walk-in-interview for the engagement Young, Dynamic and Experienced candidates for the Project Assistant Posts on contract basis. Those candidates have completed their engineering in an electrical and mechanical field and looking for government job from a long time. It is a good chance and starts their career. Those applicants have experience in the relevant field give preference in the selection process. Selection will be a basis of interview performance and selected candidates earn Rs.50000/- per month as remuneration per month.

Who is eligible for these posts?

If any candidate has experience in the relevant field have a good chance and he/she eligible for the post.

How much can you earn from these posts?

Those candidates selected for the post. They earn healthy remuneration Rs.50000/- per month.

From when to when may apply for these posts?

Interested candidates attend an interview as on 9-2-2017.

Pay Attention on these things:

Those candidates have desired to attend an interview. Reached before the time

The process of Apply

Eligible and interested candidates attend an interview with all necessary document and one set of attested copies of that documents.

Eligible and interested candidates can attend an interview as on date.

The other detail regarding Age limit, Pay Scale, Qualification, How to apply is given below.

Oil India Limited Jodhpur Posts details 2017

Important Dates:                              

Willing candidates attend an interview as on 9-2-2017.
Name of Posts: Project Assistant

No of posts: 1                                                              

Location: Jodhpur

Age limit:

Candidates upper age limit as per norms.
Pay Scale:

Those candidates selected for the posts earn Rs. 50000/- per month.

Candidates must have passed B.Tech in Mechanical/Electrical from recognized institute.
Selection Process:                            

Candidate selection will be a basis of interview performance.
How to apply:

Candidates can attend Interview as on 9-2-2017. Candidates carry with them attested and original documents at the time of interview as on date. Candidates reach before the time at a venue and registered a name for the interview.

Oil India Limited, Rajasthan Project 2A Saraswati Nagar District Shopping Centre Basni Jodhpur

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1.Headroom(N): Gap
use-The expanded room provides ample headroom for a new sitting area.

2.Disparity(N): discrepancy
use-Disparities between major states result in unhealthy competition.

3.Agony:Extreme pain
use-Nothing in his life had prepared him for this intense agony.

4.Muggy(adj): oppressively humid,damp
synonyms-moist,soggy, sticky
use-Muggy condition can add discomfort to your journey.

5.Exult(V): cheer
synonyms-rejoice, celebrate
use-After winning first place in the contest, his family took him out to exult in the victory.

6.Elicit(v):bring out
use-We plan to elicit opinions from  students.

7.Euphoria(N):extreme happiness
synonyms-elation, exhilaration
use-No one in the last two decades has come to power with greater euphoria than the Narender Modi sarkar.

synonyms-immobilize, stifle
use-he was crippled by incipient disease of the brain.

9.conducive(Adj):favorable for
synonyms-helpful, useful
use-Indians are entrepreneurial by nature; they just need a conducive environment.

10.Retribution(N):payback for another's action
use-Without a doubt, this action demanded retaliation and retribution.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Maharaja Ganga Singh University Job details 2017

Designation – lowered division clerk

Number of post available – 36

Location – Bikaner

Age limit – the candidates should be above 18 and below 35 and In case of backward cast 5 years exemption will be given.

Salary – current pay scale would be between 5,200 to 20,200 and GP of 2400 will be given

How to apply – first the candidates need to fill an online application which will cost them 500 rupees, after that they need to give an exam which will be divided into two phases . First phase would be the exam of 100 marks each question will be of 1 mark and for every wrong answer 1/3 mark will be deducted. The duration for the exam would be 2 hours. Second phase would be a typing test of both Hindi and English. 10 – 10 minutes will be provided to the candidates containing 25 marks for Hindi and 25 for English typing

The last date for applying online application would be 08-03-2017 after that no application will be accepted.

Click here for official site

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1.Abstain(v): To refrain from something
Synonyms-decline, constrain
Use-Ten people voted in favour, five against and two abstained.

2.Assimilate(v): To absorb and incorporate
Synonyms-grasp, incorporate
Use-Immigrants have been successfully assimilated into the  community.

3.Arcane(adj): understood by only a few
Synonyms-esoteric, mysterious
Use-This argument may seem arcane to those not closely involved in the world of finance.

4.Discern(v):to be aware of, detect
Synonyms-ascertain, apprehend
Use-She could discern an air of tension in the room.

5.Exalt(Adj): celebrate
Synonyms-august, elevated
Use-The Red house student felt exalted when topped at the sports meet.

6.Gregarious(Adj): fond of the company of others
Synonyms-friendly, sociable
Use-Gregarious people are better at work situatons that involve group activity.

7.Magniloquent(Adj): bombastic or boastful
Use-The magniloquent speaker sounded too boring.

8.Wanton(Adj): destructive behaviour
Synonyms-malicious, inconsiderate
Use-His work is pending due to his wanton behaviour.

9.Voracious(Adj): eating and wanting large amount of something
Synonyms-rapacious, insatiable
Use-He has voracious and undiscriminating appetite for facts.

10.Virulent(Adj):extremely bitter
Synonyms-hostile, dangerous
Use-A very virulent form of the disease appeared in china.